Be Part of the Movement
Penta collects used prostheses to bring high-quality, low-cost prosthetic care to amputees all over the world.
Restoring mobility and changing lives one step at a time.
Watch our video to learn more about Penta.
Components Shipped Overseas
People with Restored Mobility
Countries of Operation
90% of the world’s 65+ million amputees cannot access or afford needed prostheses. — World Health Organization
The Problem
Amputees in low-and middle-income countries face countless challenges that prevent them from accessing the proper care they need. Medical facilities are far, and even a bus ticket to the nearest hospital can be a prohibitive cost on its own. There is often no guarantee that the nearest medical facility will have the necessary prosthetic services, as prosthetists are scarce and materials for the correct prosthesis difficult to acquire. When these services are available, they are typically far too expensive for an amputee and their family to afford.
At the same time, over 300,000 used, yet entirely functional, prostheses are thrown out in the United States every year. This supply of high quality prosthetic limbs is unusable here in the US, but has the potential to impact thousands of lives elsewhere.
Our Solution
Penta is the logistical bridge between the supply of used and discarded limbs in the US and the incredible need for these devices in low-and middle-income countries. Penta repurposes these prosthetic devices and empowers amputees with physical, economic, and social mobility in underserved areas.
More about us — Check out how we’re getting prosthetic limbs to Ukraine!
Supporters and Partners:
Click on the portraits below to meet the people that Penta has helped:
Nguyen Van Ha
Nguyen Van Ha
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
During a routine night patrol in 1983, Ha stepped on a landmine, the detonation of which tore off his right leg. Decades later, Ha would become one of Penta's first patients.
Nguyen Van Ha
Read moreNguyen Thi Men
Nguyen Thi Men
Moving around the clinic with her newly-fitted lightweight prosthetic leg, Men declared that she could truly walk, comfortably and unassisted, for the first time in 16 years.
Nguyen Thi Men
Read moreSon Vu
Son Vu
By all standards, Son leads an incredibly active life. At just 20, he already owns a coffee store, where he spends his mornings serving coffee to his customers.
Son Vu
Read moreSenaka Ranasinghe
Senaka Ranasinghe
Sri Lanka
Mr. Senaka Ranasinghe has been a diabetes patient for 15 years and as a result of his illness, his right leg was removed below the knee in 2017.
Read moreFatimah Sabo
L.W Ariyarathne
What kind of devices can I donate?
Penta accepts the donation of lower-limb prosthetic and orthotic devices. Please make sure that the devices you are donating are:
- In gently used condition or used for no more than 3-5 years.
- Contain no broken or rusted components, especially pertaining to feet and/or knees.
- If a donation contains a broken part that you cannot remove, please mark or identify the broken part before donating.
Can I donate the socket?
- If possible, please remove the socket as this part cannot be repurposed. However, if removing the socket is not possible, please donate the device as is because we do not want this to prevent you from donating other valuable and life-changing components.
- PLEASE DO NOT DONATE STANDALONE SOCKETS! We are currently seeking ways to recycle these materials and may accept standalone sockets in the future.
Can I donate prosthetic limb accessories?
In addition to prosthetic devices, we also welcome donations of NEW supplies and accessories for prosthetic devices such as prosthetic socks, liners, sleeves, gels, and creams. Please DO NOT donate any of these items if they are used.
What kind of devices can I donate?
Penta works with all types of health organizations but we look for groups that are
- Capable of providing prosthetic limb fittings for free or extremely low cost to patients
- Have a proven track record of helping amputees in an honorable and reputable manner
- Have clean and well-maintained facilities through which to provide care
- Employ trained and certified prosthetists and technicians to provide care to patients
- Willing to provide patient information of amputees that have been fitted with devices donated by Penta Medical Recycling
- Willing to allow consistent audit of prosthetic device supply to ensure that donated devices are available and are being used fairly
- Agree to not resell or give any donated components to groups or individuals not working with Penta Medical Recycling or the black-market
Does Penta work with internationally based organizations?
Yes, Penta works with both US based and international based organizations. Penta seeks out international organizations that have the capability to fit amputees with Penta donated prosthetic limbs for little to no cost, while domestically Penta seeks out organizations that can help facilitate the distribution of limbs.
Can organizations that receive donated prosthetic limbs from Penta re-sell these devices?
No, Penta expects organizations to fit amputees for little to no cost and to not sell the devices.
What kind of devices does Penta supply to organization partners?
Penta customizes shipments based on the recipient partner’s needs. Thus, Penta can provide a mix of devices ranging from prosthetic limbs to modular components, prosthetic feet, liners, pylons, and socks.